Corporate sustainability

Working towards a sustainable future that is human-led and tech-powered

PwC China is committed to making positive and sustainable change, across our business and where we live and work. Our community of solvers think differently and work with others to make the world more resilient, more inclusive and more able to solve important problems.

PwC has made a worldwide commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with 2030 goals. This approach to sustainability reaches beyond our operations, to also influence innovative solutions and sustainable decisions up and down our value chain and in the broader market.

Through donations and sharing our most valuable assets - the skills, knowledge and talent of our people, PwC China supports communities and promotes the active development of individuals and society.

China’s transition to a low-carbon and technology-driven economy is enabling the country’s higher-quality growth. Driving sustainable development through policy, emerging green and high-tech industries, and investment in advanced infrastructure and services will create greater opportunities for China, the region and the world. We remain resolute in supporting China’s modernisation goals. Through the humanity, creativity and vision of our people, and fuelled by our purpose, we will contribute to creating a harmonious society and a healthy planet for tomorrow.

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Together, for a better future

Our focus areas

Community engagement

Community engagement is a cornerstone of our corporate sustainability strategy. It delivers PwC's values while solving important social problems and driving social development. We actively work with our people, NGOs and social enterprises to drive sustainable outcomes in our communities. We are doing this through making donations to philanthropic projects, building the capacity and skills of NGOs, and supporting our people to participate in volunteering activities. Our strategic focus centres on sharing our digital skills to empower those in need to participate fully in the digital world.

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Environmental stewardship

We are committed to minimising our impacts on the environment. As part of efforts to fight climate change, we have made a global commitment to achieve net zero with 2030 goals. In order to achieve our net zero commitments, we will bring our people on a journey to make low carbon choices in our operations and in our supply chain. We will enable a tech revolution to continue redesigning our operations and client service delivery model with a strong digital focus. We will also continue to maximise our positive impact by sharing our skills, knowledge and impact in collaboration with others, including business, policy makers and NGOs.

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Our workplace

Our people are at the heart of our organisation and a fundamental element of our success as a firm. At PwC we are reimagining every step of the workforce approach and reinventing our ways of working to serve our clients’ changing business needs and achieve our strategic goals. We’re putting a number of measures in place to upskill and build talent with future-proof capabilities, and fostering a culture of wellness and flexibility where our people can live healthily, work smartly, and be socially connected.


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Stakeholder engagement

Our stakeholders include our people, businesses, government and regulators, NGOs and non-profits, future talent, and society.

As part of our stakeholder engagement process, we have established diversified channels to facilitate exchange and understanding. We conduct this through both internal and external communication channels. We carefully design the nature and mode of our communication to enable continuous and impactful dialogue with stakeholders on relevant ESG topics.

Our people 

Our staff and partners are at the core of who we are. They drive our success by demonstrating the strategic direction of the firm and by delivering exceptional services to our clients. We actively listen to our people through various channels, including real-time dialogue with the firm’s leaders, focus groups with our staff and regular feedback and follow-up communications.


Our clients, suppliers and business partners are foundational to our work and operations. We engage through active day-to-day communication with our clients and on-going supplier screening, as well as regular business events and forums.

Government and regulators 

Adhering to current regulations and gaining insight from the broader business community is fundamental to meet government and regulatory expectations. We continue to work with regulatory bodies through active dialogue and joint projects, working committees and consultations, and community events.

NGOs and non-profits 

Enhancing capacity and fostering exchange with NGOs is important in unlocking their full potential and creating social impact that benefits the wider community. We regularly engage our NGO partners with corporate sustainability initiatives and collaboration programmes to spur positive impact.  

Future talent 

We strive to attract and retain top talent who are equipped with future-fit and diverse skills to join our workforce and continue our standing as an employer of choice. We reach out to young talent via campus talks and recruitment events, and engage with experienced professionals through channels such as job fairs and social media channels.


We advance PwC’s purpose of building trust and solving important problems in the wider community by creating meaningful impact with our clients and communities. Through media interviews, publications, our websites and social media channels, we deliver our insights and receive feedback from the public.

Materiality assessment

We conduct periodic assessments to refresh our latest material topics and effectively act upon our ESG priorities. Our materiality assessment process includes conducting desktop research and analysis, identifying and updating a list of topics, prioritisation through stakeholder engagement, senior management validation of material topics, and integration into our ESG reporting and sustainability strategy. Our FY23 materiality assessment results are shown below.

Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

At PwC China, we support several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which were established in 2015 as a global call for a more sustainable future. The following table summarises our initiatives in support of UN SDGs. We have also undertaken an internal mapping exercise to identify the specific targets under each goal where we can make the most significant impact. 

Contact us

Douglas Johnson

Douglas Johnson

Director, Corporate Sustainability, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1737

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