Achieving your potential – upskill to be ready for the future

At PwC, we are committed to upskill our workforce with future-fit skills, with solid technical knowledge as the core foundation, to serve our clients’ changing business needs and achieve our strategic goals, while facilitate personal growth and development of our people at the same time. Our development approach is made up of structured upskilling programmes, coaching and mentoring structures, and agile opportunities and experience at the workplace, supporting the holistic growth and development of our talents at PwC.

With skills as the new currency, our upskilling programmes are designed with future-fit and market-leading content, powered by innovative and engaging approach leveraging the latest technologies, fostering a self-driven and collaborative learning culture, and offering a personalised, agile and flexible learning experience to our people. 

We prioritise upskilling in the areas of Leadership, Digital and ESG/Sustainability, in addition to technical and quality, to support our people to be ready for the future. 



To empower leadership at all levels, we invest heavily in the upskilling of our people’s leadership skills, underpinned by our PwC professionals. Our holistic upskilling approach not only facilitates our people to take ownership to unleash their leadership capabilities but also enables their building of relevant leadership skills at each milestone throughout their career with the firm, to effectively prepare them for new roles and responsibilities in an agile and effective manner.

In 2021, we reimagined leadership development by introducing the LEAD portal. It features leadership skill-finder, personal dashboard, as well as customised access to over 500 leadership development resources on 24 future-fit leadership skills, offering agile and personalised upskilling opportunities to meet the development needs of our people.


As technology continues to advance at an increasing pace, developing our people’s digital skills continues to take priority. We aim to not only enable everyone to leverage new technologies and stay relevant, but also allowing us to play a part in shaping the jobs of the future with our clients, government agencies and communities and help to close the skills gap in today’s digital world.

Since 2019, we have been offering a number of market-leading digital upskilling programmes to accelerate technological capabilities at all levels including: Digital Academy, Digital Accelerator, and Digital Lab. In 2022, these digital upskilling programmes were being awarded as the winner of the 2022 Best Innovative L&D Initiative Award from CTGoodJobs.

We are also leading the way by driving awareness and upskilling our people on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). Since June 2023, we have launched an array of upskilling opportunities aiming to equip our people with the necessary GenAI knowledge and skills, as well as an understanding of its limitations and potential risks, to ensure effective and responsible use of this evolving technology to serve the needs of ourselves and our clients. 



PwC is committed to achieving net zero with 2030 goals. To support this strategic priority, we provide ongoing upskilling and guidance on sustainability-related matters so that our people can stay up to date on the everchanging ESG landscape.

Since 2021, we have been launching ESG GO, which is our ESG upskilling campaign series to enable our people to acquire relevant ESG knowledge and skills through personalised learning paths. To incentivise and recognise learning achievement in ESG, a Climate Change Badge has been awarded to those who completed the required learning content.

In 2022, ESG GO was recognised by China Xinhua Media Group Training Magazine in its 2022 Innovative Program for Excellent Cases of Talent Development, reflecting our effort and commitment in nurturing sustainability within PwC China. 

In 2023, we extended this campaign to cover the Asia Pacific region via our own Metaverse platform, enabling people at Asia Pacific regions to also be inspired and upskilled on this important agenda.  

PwC Badges

In October 2020 we introduced PwC Badges – visible, shareable and portable electronic records of new knowledge and skills gained at PwC. It promotes continuous learning and reflects our people’s ability to contribute and create value in high-priority skill related areas, as well as the associated investment made in their personal development. It complements degrees, professional certifications, and on-the-job experience to tell a complete career story of our people.

By 2023, over 7,000 PwC badges have been issued.


Contact us

Douglas Johnson

Douglas Johnson

Director, Corporate Sustainability, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1737

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