Sustainable supply chain

We put our experience to work by helping companies assess and manage the impact their operations are having on the environment and on the communities in which they operate. Understanding these impacts can drive improvements to corporate strategy, day to day operations and ultimately on financial performance.

Companies in all industries are grappling with the various systematic challenges including decarbonisation, human rights due diligence and transformation to a circular economy. Such changes to the supply chain requires a transformative mindset and collaboration within and across value chains. Our deep understanding of value chain dynamics, as well as extensive experience working with clients to understand and enhance their supply chains, enable us to deliver truly impact-driven corporate and operational enhancement that elevate financial performance.

PwC supports organisations in the sustainable transformation of their supply chains through:

  • Reviewing supply chain strategy and design, developing transformation roadmaps to enable supply chain decarbonisation, and design and implementation of supplier engagement strategy
  • Assessing emissions and climate impacts, developing transition plans, and embedding net zero into existing and future digital infrastructure
  • Building connected and smart supply chain ecosystems, integrating parties along the value chain suppliers, and aligned with strategic objectives