Pathway to Net Zero: SDG Practices of Enterprises in China

A Survey Report on Business and Sustainability in China 2021

December 2021

The series report is the co-published by PwC China, UNDP China and CCOIC, and this research series aims to provide an overview of how companies in China are engaging with the SDGs, including a review of current practices and key trends across time, as well as discussions of future opportunities and common challenges. To assist the corporate sector in China to better align their business practices with the SDGs, this report provides actionable recommendations alongside case studies which showcase best practices.

The first report in this research series entitled “Private Sector Awareness of the SDGs” was published in July 2020 and presented a baseline analysis of business awareness and practice of the SDGs in China, utilising online questionnaires and case studies covering 89 companies in China. Building on these findings, this second report focuses on tracking the trends and further exploring how companies can put practice into action. The report identifies key shifts in the landscape and common challenges across the two-year timeframe, introduces practical toolkits, and examines future opportunities for companies to consider acting upon.

The second report also includes a special section to further investigate how enterprises in China are adapting to the changing policy environment following the announcement of China’s goal to reach peak carbon emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 (or the 2030/60 carbon peaking and neutrality goals). This new section also analyses why some companies fail to take low-carbon actions and their preferred policy support in this area. The findings provide policymakers with evidence on how to better incentivise companies to start and accelerate their low carbon transition.

Contact us

James Chang

Managing Partner of Regional Economic Clusters and South Markets, Shenzhen Office Lead Partner, China Financial Services Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (755) 8261 8882

Amy Cai

Sustainability Managing Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3698

Qing Ni

Sustainability Markets Leader, Climate and Sustainability Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2599

Douglas Johnson

Director, Corporate Sustainability, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1737