Responding to the economic and business impacts

PwC is the one of the first professional services firms to propose specific countermeasures and recommendations on the economic, commercial, business and corporate impacts in response to COVID-19

COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, causing huge impact on people's lives, families and communities.

As the international response continues to develop, we know that organisations are facing significant challenges to which they need to respond rapidly. We are working closely with organisations globally to help them in preparing and responding, and by sharing our experience having worked with companies, governments, regulators, NGOs and international organisations to act against some of the most high profile outbreaks (including Ebola, MERS, SARS and bird flu).

PwC China Corporate Contingency Response Center

PwC set up the China Corporate Contingency Response Center in the face of the outbreak, bringing and working together with global organisations to tackle the unprecedented challenges brought on by the outbreak and to rebuild in the later stages of the pandemic.

The PwC China Corporate Contingency Response Center also combines the strength and expertise of its members sharing best practices on assisting small and medium enterprises, and providing recommendations on how the government can promote economic development after the crisis.


PwC’s point of view

The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought upon unprecedented challenges, and is expected to have a significant impact on China's economic development this year. Based on the current situation, PwC analysed the pandemic’s impact on China’s economic growth and on individual industries, and proposed countermeasures and recommendations for the country’s policies.

Industry insights

China’s Lunar New Year Golden Week was expected to bring promising sales to businesses, but the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted many industries in varying degrees. The challenges caused by the pandemic have affected the operation and business performance of many industries in the short run. The resulting uncertainties will bring deeper impact in the long term. The crisis have prompted many industry players and management to re-examine and refine business development plans in the medium to long-term in order to accelerate transformation. 

Immediate action and post-pandemic transformation

The uncertainties arising from the pandemic have resulted in difficulties and challenges on prevention and control, as well as business continuity. As one of the leading professional services firms, PwC has launched a series of pandemic prevention recommendations to help enterprises rebuild and transform. 

PwC’s corporate responsibility

PwC is actively fulfilling our corporate responsibility by supporting prevention and control measures in affected areas. We have set up a crisis response team to provide manpower and resources, track the status of the pandemic, assess demand gaps and select the most effective way to make donations. Moving forward, we will continue to provide various means of material and monetary donations to assist residents in affected areas. 

Contact Us

Elton Yeung

Vice Chairman, PwC China

+[86] (10) 6533 8008


Markets Leadership Team

Thomas Leung

Managing Partner - Markets, PwC China

+[86] (10) 6533 2838 / +[852] 2289 8288


Xing Zhou

Managing Partner, North China Markets Leader, Beijing Office Lead Partner, Diversity Leader, PwC China

+[86] (10) 6533 7986


Professional Services Leadership Team

Daniel Li

Asia Pacific and China Chairman, PwC China

+[86] (21) 2323 3388 or +[86] (10) 6533 3388


Peter Ng

Managing Partner - Advisory, PwC China

+[86] (21) 2323 1828


Wai Kay Eik

Mainland China and Hong Kong Managing Partner - Deals, PwC China

+[86] (10) 6533 2199, +[852] 2289 2199


James Chang

Managing Partner of Regional Economic Clusters and South Markets, Shenzhen Office Lead Partner, China Financial Services Leader, PwC China

+[86] (755) 8261 8882


Corporate Responsibility Team

Douglas Johnson

Director, Corporate Sustainability, PwC Hong Kong

+[852] 2289 1737


Contact us

Helena Lee

Helena Lee

Director, Clients and Markets Development, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2281

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