Digital Trust and Cyber Security

What is Digital Trust?

As digital technology continues to subvert traditional ways of doing business, companies are under increasing pressure to take advantage of new solutions around AI, big data, blockchain and more in order to promote innovation and realise new areas of growth. At the same time, enterprises must also face up to new and potentially destructive risks which accompany digitisation. Trust is fundamental to any enterprise, and in an era of ever-increasing information leaks, data theft and more, public perception of a business can directly impact consumer choice and enterprise growth.

In response, PwC provides a Digital Trust service to help enterprises capture the most opportunity from digital development while managing the risks of regulatory compliance, information leakage, asset theft and business interruption in the digital era. We help you win trust from customers, partners, investors and other stakeholders, ultimately enhancing market competitiveness and consolidating your position in the industry.

Addressing credibility challenges in the digital age

In the digital age, more and more enterprises are aware of the difficulty – and the tremendous competitive advantages – of building and maintaining strong public trust. Correspondingly, establishing a strong trust relationship with the public in the digital era will bring tremendous competitive advantages for enterprises:

  • Advantages with customers: When your customers believe their data and assets are safe with you, they will be more willing to try more digital services – enabling you to understand your customers more deeply and provide targeted, valuable services. 
  • Advantages with partners: With a stronger, more secure digital system, you can better maintain and utilise your partners’ business data; mining value and leading to more in-depth business cooperation to collectively win more market share, save costs and progress together. 
  • Advantages with investors: Showing investors that you can control risks and seize market opportunities via digital technology can allow investors to give you more autonomy and resources; providing you with more opportunities and helping them to win more rewarding returns. 


To win trust in the digital age, businesses need to confront these challenges:
  • How to maintain a balance between protecting customer privacy and mining data value?
  • How business continues to innovate and expand to maintain regulatory compliance?How to innovate and expand while maintaining regulatory compliance?
  • How to manage the risks associated with using new technologies?
  • How to control network threats while utilising the internet to its full potential?
  • How to avoid the leakage of customer information, production data and other valuable assets?
  • How to ensure the stable operation of a digital system?
  • How to handle unpredictable system errors and interruptions? 
  • How to ensure the rapid response and continuous support of your own ability to business innovation?
  • How to minimise the negative impact of digital transformation on existing business?
  • How to deal with job change and conflict caused data intelligence?

How can we help you?

PwC Digital Trust framework and solutions

PwC's Digital Trust service is specially designed for enterprises which have implemented or plan to embark on digital transformation. Combined with our successful experience in various industries around the world, we have built a PwC Digital Trust Framework. It provides support in five major areas: Cyber Security, IT Risk Management, Business System Control, Data Protection, and Transformation Guarantee. We actively help enterprises to respond to digital risk, and build trust, seize the opportunity to achieve a more prosperous future. 

Cyber security

PwC provides a full range of network security services, allowing you to navigate a complex network environment. By understanding your existing capabilities, business security needs, system architecture, external network environment and more, our professional team can support you to develop a targeted, end-to-end solution.  We can also help you to plan and build your own network security capabilities and provide continuous support, so you can quickly and efficiently address network risk in the digital age – ultimately generating business value from your network security investment. 


Business systems controls

PwC provides services to businesses all over the world and has accumulated rich experience in business systems and enterprise management systems in various industries. Combining our deep experience in enterprise risk management, we have formed a PwC Risk Guarantee Framework to provide clients with comprehensive risk  management services, in order to mitigate risks in finance, operations, technology and other areas. This framework provides risk and control effectiveness analysis for your operations and business processes/systems, and makes the best use of your enterprise operations and business process/system design. It helps you continuously optimise the internal control system and provide support for enterprise operations and business actions.




Transformation confidence

In the digital age, with the continuous development and application of new technology, enterprises rely more and more on technology-driven innovation. To grasp the development opportunities, enterprises need to actively promote digital transformation, reduce operating costs and enhance market sensitivity, in order to win strategic and competitive advantages. To do this, you must be able to grasp the development of the digital age, and identify opportunities that are appropriate for the company, formulate appropriate transformation strategies and plans, and anticipate and prepare for risks in transition so that companies can capitalise on digital transformation to leapfrog development rather than being defeated by the risk of transformation. Our service experience in multiple industries can help you better identify opportunities, gain insight into issues, plan paths, and provide full and comprehensive support to help you achieve a develop blueprint for the digital age.

IT risk and resilience

We start with regulatory requirements, governance framework, management processes and technical applications to help you analyse and determine the impact of the digital system on your business and identify risk scenarios that may affect normal business development. We can also help you to design corresponding governance structure, management process, technology platforms and emergency measures. This will better prevent and control information technology risks, and better cope with unexpected events to ensure that business associated with the digital system will not be adversely affected by information technology risks; enabling you to better grasp new opportunities. 


Data assurance

Enterprise data assets are constantly increasing, but most companies do not really understand the application and distribution of their own data. They are also not clear about the threats and risks faced, or even the true value of their data. Our specialised data services are aimed at helping you sort out your data applications, identify core, high-value data assets and the risks faced by these assets, and establish data mechanisms that adapt to your business needs to ensure that your data is properly used and protected. Through this service, you will be able to better understand your own data and its value, and you will also be able to apply data better and more securely, providing tremendous support for innovation and development.


Why choose PwC?

Our experience and track record of success

A manufacturer

Client needs

Dependent on data, the client needed a strong security system to protect information. It was necessary to bring in strong security controls from the start and synchronise planning, construction and operation of the security system.

Solutions delivered

We provided end-to-end security services across the information lifecycle, including analysis, development and management; code safety inspection; security penetration testing; security configuration; vulnerability scanning; and more. This helped to improve the security and stability of the information system, to ensure the normal operation of business activities.

Value unleashed:

  • In the system construction, the timely discovery of safety problems and control, improved the information system's self-protect capabilities.
  • After testing the on-line information system, the security problem of the information system was detected by simulating the form of external attack.
  • Tracking changes in technology development and threat vulnerabilities, assisted in the development/optimization of information systems security configuration, continuous optimization of information systems.

An internet company

Client needs

Because the client needed to collect customer data as it expanded internationally, performing an immediate GDPR compliance check and system improvement was crucial. 

Solutions delivered

We used GDPR as the benchmark to evaluate the distribution of customer information and the acquisition of data, transmission, use and other flow paths and scenarios, and then analysed the data lifecycle process of security and compliance risks In view of these risks, we assisted the client to develop a system improvement and management programme.

Value unleashed:

  • Helped the client identify all of its customer information and identify the overall application of customer information.
  • Ensured that the client could meet GDPR requirements in the application of customer information involving GDPR scope.
  • Helped the client to provide the data protection ability, and realized to the customer information comprehensive safeguard.

A financial company

Client needs

With increasingly complex information systems and the need for strict supervision of data, the client was concerned about compliance, timely risk alerts, and lack of effective data support.

Solutions delivered

We evaluated the financial industry's regulatory requirements, business characteristics, risk trends and so on, in order to design a key risk index management model for the client. On this basis, the risk index management mechanism was developed, and the demand of the index management platform was formed, which built a solid foundation for the implementation of indicator management automation.

Value unleashed:

  • Achieved objective evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of risk control, and also achieved manageable, controllable and measurable information technology risk management.
  • Developed the information technology risk quantification management system, and realized the foundation of the intelligent risk analysis and the management.
  • Enhanced the initiative and forward-looking of information technology risk management. Reduced emergencies and information technology risks. Supported the realization of business goals.

A life sciences company

Client needs

Support in transforming finance, sales and distribution operations underpinned by a digital transformation of infrastructure, applications and technology support.

Solutions delivered

We provided rich assurance to the client, assessing key delivery risks throughout their digital change. We assessed the technology design and build and advised on how to maximise their chances of delivering lasting strategic change.

Value unleashed:

  • Enabled the client to avoid critical points of failure and allow digital transformation to proceed as planned.
  • Advised on management information solutions and good design.
  • Provided advice on the suitability of technical solutions and consistency with business requirements.

A manufacturing company

Client needs

The client recognised the need to completely transform its technology assets to determine future business positioning and maintain its market-leading position in the industry.

Solutions delivered

We evaluated the client's IT environment and how it matched the business process, and provided opinions on which solutions should be retained or replaced. We helped the client assess the factors necessary to support the digital transformation of business strategies.

Value unleashed:

  • Client had a clear understanding of their existing digital assets.
  • Formulated a road map for change for the next 10 years.
  • Client understood the true value of technology and the opportunities it brings.

An industrial services company

Client needs

Critical policies and procedures developed to mitigate risk were not being adhered to, resulting in frequent non-compliance situations in this company. The current spreadsheet system designed to give an early warning of a problem was considered inadequate.

Solutions delivered

We worked with client to develop a terminal state operation model and compared it to implement all execution plans. By developing project plans, assigning roles and responsibilities, we ensured that all end-users played an active role in the implementation process. Then, we proposed to improve the client's working methods from the three areas of governance, risk management, and compliance review, and jointly developed reference models and training to support the new system.

Value unleashed:

  • The main stakeholders had a unique source of intelligence information.
  • Uniformly managed all common tasks by GRC system management to reduce duplication of work.

Contact us

Lisa Li

Lisa Li

Mainland China Digital Trust & Risk - Cybersecurity and Privacy Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2312

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