Once you have decided to acquire a specific business, you will need to gain more insight into that business to make a detailed assessment against your acquisition objectives/strategy and identify any areas of commercial, financial and operational risks.
Alternatively, as a seller of a business, you should aim to understand the potential areas of concern for potential buyers, including items that will impact the potential deal pricing. By understanding these issues in advance, your chance of mitigating them are much greater.
Even at this early stage, buyers and sellers should keep an eye on what they may need to do if the transaction is successful. Considerations include commercial implications (such as whether it will affect customer attrition) as well as operational implications (such as redundant costs and regulatory requirements).
We specialise in deal evaluation and will provide an integrated team from early on in the process, our services include:
Financial Services Markets Leader, GBA Services, PwC Hong Kong
Tel: +[852] 2289 8388 / +[86] (10) 6533 8388 / +[86] (755) 8261 8388
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