How PwC has enabled a business and technology transformation for a television studio

Viewers are consuming content at a faster rate, switching across multiple providers and viewing media through an array of different delivery options. A true content revolution is challenging the way traditional networks think, and requiring them to evolve with industry demands. Efficient financial systems and processes are a must. Simply put, as more content becomes available to end consumers, companies need to understand what the financial impact is for that data. PwC’s global TMT practice was able to help tackle these challenges for a television production company to build a scalable IT structure and Oracle Cloud application model, obtaining greater visibility and insight into current and forecasted financials.

What business challenges has the TMT industry faced?

Across TMT, production companies are under enhanced scrutiny for their financial transactions and network reporting. This complexity only increases with frequent global mergers and acquisitions spread across a number of legal entities and financial transactions. A television production company was facing similar challenges. As their business grew, they were strained with the task of addressing how to piece together smaller segregated ERP and production accounting systems with insufficient financial visibility into their television productions.

The challenge was to leverage an ERP cloud platform that could provide a single technical application platform to meet their finance and accounting needs while providing greater financial transparency, and enabling better results for decision making.

Why choose PwC’s TMT Model System solution?

This television production company chose to work with PwC because of our ability to provide audit, tax, M&A and advisory guidance to drive their company through a business and technology transformation and stay ahead of these industry challenges. Our TMT Model System is a combination of just these things - it is our framework which offers a holistic approach to embrace financial modernisation through enabling Oracle solutions.

Leveraging Oracle Cloud technologies, PwC’s Entertainment and Media Model System uses tools and accelerators to help our television production clients strategically identify what processes to focus on to modernise their business. Within weeks our framework helps by providing a working prototype to help clients visualise what the end of transformational journey could look like.

How PwC delivered TMT Model System + Predictable Value for a positive business outcome

PwC was able to help our client move to an integrated accounting platform that addressed their corporate and television production accounting needs while providing them a simplified IT infrastructure.

We helped guide our client through an important stage of growth and unify their independently operating production companies within a single Oracle system. The integration of their core production, payroll and financial processes within Oracle sustains their long-term content production as well as developing new business across different media platforms.

Throughout the transformational journey, PwC applied our Predictable Value approach to focus on our client’s desired business outcomes by enabling Oracle technologies such as:

Value: enhanced financial results from reporting capabilities allowed better decision making for television productions which reduced show costs and increased accuracy in understanding revenue streams

Speed: increased efficiency of financial book closing by a significant percentage, and streamlined several manual reconciliation activities associated with production and corporate ledgers

Focus: bringing together the client’s corporate and production accounting simplified end to end financial visibility

Agility: scalable IT infrastructure and Oracle applications facilitate processing of increased volumes of financial data especially through M&A complexities

Contact us

Edmund Lee

Hong Kong Consulting Leader, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2714

Jason Sue

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2595

Jazz Yung

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 6323

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