Empowering an academic healthcare system with PwC Healthcare Model System

Transformations across the industry hold tremendous potential to address our healthcare challenges. With PwC, Oracle solves the most complex problems and brings an unmatched depth of capabilities to the healthcare market. By leveraging PwC Healthcare Model Systems, organisations can accelerate deployment of cloud solutions, capture value sooner and gain flexibility within their infrastructure to match evolving business needs.

What business challenges has the healthcare industry faced?

Unique business requirements or simply divergent business practices? Is it necessary to optimise patient care or address inefficient back office operations? These were the questions being asked by an academic medical healthcare system which included operations for clinical care, research, education and community wholeness initiatives around the world.

The challenge was to leverage an ERP platform that could support their academic medical center throughout their long term vision and unify people, processes and technology across the diverse organisation.

Why choose PwC Healthcare Model System?

PwC Healthcare Model System comprises of an end-to-end implementation framework which enables accelerated time to execute, standardisation and capabilities to grow in the future.

At an academic medical healthcare organisation, PwC helped our client realise the vision of transforming their business by centralising their finance and supply chain management operations. This client was looking for an ERP platform that would align with their long term organisational vision. By applying our Healthcare Model System framework and leveraging our partnership with Oracle Cloud, PwC helped turn these possibilities into realities.

PwC + Oracle = helping to set the pace and direction for the future of ERP systems in Healthcare.

How PwC delivered Healthcare Model System + Predictable Value for positive business outcome

Think of the advantages of being able to modernise your operations by working closely with PwC’s experienced healthcare industry team. PwC has enabled clients to achieve business transformations and yield business value.

Empowered by PwC Healthcare Model System, an academic healthcare organisation turned to PwC for assistance in centralising their finance and supply chain operations. PwC was able to help deliver people, process and technology business transformations for the client:

Value: drive down administrative and technology costs while gaining timely insight into operational performance

Speed: leverage project accelerators from the PwC Hospitality Model System to reduce implementation time and streamline financial processes

Focus: unite full range of hospitality, finance process and Oracle technology services to help modernise client IT infrastructure

Agility: real-time reporting and analytics enables clients to make quicker critical business decisions

Contact us

Edmund Lee

Edmund Lee

Hong Kong Consulting Leader, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2714

Horatio Wong

Horatio Wong

Mainland China and Hong Kong Digital and Technology Consulting Leader, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1909

Jason Sue

Jason Sue

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 2595

Jazz Yung

Jazz Yung

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 6323

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