Governance, risk and compliance, and internal audit

Rethinking risk and compliance to drive strategy, capabilities and performance

How we can help our clients

Today’s rapidly changing business and regulatory environment requires rethinking about risk in new ways. Management is constantly struggling with increasingly demanding regulatory requirements exerted by the government while optimising governance structure, to build trust, drive efficiency and remain competitive.

Taking an innovative approach to managing and enhancing your GRC and IA activities can help you seize opportunities, stay a step ahead of uncertainty, and meet stakeholder expectations.

We bring the full range of the network’s specialty skills and industry experience to provide you with the confidence and insights you need as you execute.

How we can help

Corporate governance

Helping you design a contemporary and effective governance framework to cope with the corporate governance regulatory changes, and demonstrate the role of boards of directors as true representatives of the company’s ultimate owners.

Our services include:

  • Board effectiveness / governance reviews
  • Governance framework reviews
  • Design and implementation of governance and compliance structures and frameworks

Client issues we address

Lack of a holistic and systematic governance, risks and compliance framework

Lack of a holistic and systematic governance, risks and compliance framework

Misalignment between strategic direction, rules and procedures for making decisions

Misalignment between strategic direction, rules and procedures for making decisions

Misalignment between strategic direction, rules and procedures for making decisions

Insufficient or ineffective mechanism to mitigate fraud risks

Failure to comply with relevant laws and regulations

Failure to comply with relevant laws and regulations

Misalignment between strategic direction, rules and procedures for making decisions

Internal controls and internal audit functions’ struggle to meet growing digital demands

Gap between the internal audit’s expected level of assurance and business’ needs

Gap between the internal audit’s expected level of assurance and business’ needs

Contact us

Jasper Xu

Mainland China and Hong Kong Digital Trust & Risk Markets Leader, China Central Digital Trust & Risk Leader, Shanghai, PwC China

+[86] (21) 2323 3405


Claire Qian

Mainland China and Hong Kong Governance, Risk and Compliance Service Leader, Shanghai, PwC China

+[86] (21) 2323 3970


Eric Yeung

Mainland China and Hong Kong Internal Audit Lead Partner, PwC Hong Kong

+[852] 2289 1953


North China

Sadina Wu

Partner, Beijing, PwC China

+[86] (10) 6533 2989


Victor Gao

Partner, Beijing, PwC China

+[86] (10) 6533 2882


Central China

Aaron Xing

Partner, Shanghai, PwC China

+[86] (21) 2323 3894


Vincent Jiang

Partner, Shanghai, PwC China

+[86] (21) 2323 3446


South China

Regina Xu

Partner, Guangzhou, PwC China

+[86] (20) 3819 2126


Winnie Xian

Partner, Guangzhou, PwC China

+[86] (20) 3819 2554


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