Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) extends internet connectivity to a diverse range of devices and everyday things.

These devices utilise embedded technology to communicate, record, and interact with the external environment using the Internet as a means of communication. The connected embedded systems include small micro-controller-based computers that do not require a human interface, but rather function independently. Instead of interacting with a human, these systems use sensors or other advanced detection mechanisms to collect data and communicate that back to a data repository or act upon the data without user interaction.


  • Allows for devices to send data over the internet without any human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction .
  • A “thing” can be any object that can be assigned an IP address and can transfer data over a network.
  • IoT enables efficiencies that were not possible in the past as devices can communicate with each other, create alerts, and take action.
  • IoT is the backbone of smart cities, which integrate smart devices and smart infrastructure with IT to more efficiently manage a city’s assets.

IoT in practice

PwC worked with a global technology company to develop a value proposition and go-to-market approach for Smart Cities solutions in multiple markets. We developed a rollout plan to train sales force and launch new value propositions.

For a global beverage company, PwC created a sensor-enabled Smart Cooler enabling real-time image processing of inventory and remote tracking of maintenance issues for a global fleet of coolers.

PwC worked with an auto manufacturer to assess key market trends and connected car services components/segments along strategic, operational, and financial criteria to determine attractiveness.

We recommended capabilities and operating model changes required to effectively deliver connected car strategy.

For a large global industrial security systems company, PwC prepared and facilitated a workshop to identify high-potential use cases for IoT product development. We identified IoT innovations for further analysis and exploration. Identified internal stakeholders, market buyers, and end-users of potential use cases.

Contact us

Horatio Wong

Horatio Wong

Mainland China and Hong Kong Digital and Technology Consulting Leader, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1909

Chun Yin Cheung

Chun Yin Cheung

Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3927

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