All the power and utilities expertise of PwC is brought together with one focus – you the client. Our priority is on the issues that matter to you. PwC’s Global Power & Utilities Group provides professional services to companies and industry players of all sizes, across all segments of the industry. We provide industry specific solutions in the fields of audit and assurance, transactions and tax. And with our extensive experience in the sector, we’re able to offer a much wider range of advisory services to meet your more specific needs.
Three out of every ten leading companies in the sector choose us as an audit partner. We are also the partner of choice for many medium sized and smaller companies. PwC is on hand when governments and regulatory bodies need top-level advice on reform of market structures or hands-on delivery of the resulting change programmes. At an international level, we are the funding patron of the World Energy Council and a longstanding partner and sponsor of the World Energy Congress. PwC’s Annual Global Energy, Utilities and Mining Conference regularly forms part of the International Energy Agency’s global roadshow to launch its annual World Energy Outlook.
PwC is a member of the World Nuclear Association and of Eurelectric. PwC and the World Economic Forum have been strategic partners since the mid-1980s. PwC is a knowledge provider for the Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, and regional summits conducted by the World Economic Forum every year. In many of the individual countries in which we operate, we are members of leading industry associations. For example, in the US we are an active member of the Edison Electric Institute, providing speakers for some of their major events and expertise as instructors for a large number of the institute’s member training courses. We have similar involvement in industry associations in countries ranging from Brazil to Japan, from China to Chile.
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