Vincent Li

Vincent Li

Partner, PwC China

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Vincent Li is a Partner of PwC China. He started his career at PwC in Guangzhou in 2006, providing consulting services to clients on China tax and business.

Vincent is specialised in the Chinese and Hong Kong transfer pricing regime since 2007. He has been actively involved in assisting clients in applying for APAs, analysing and evaluating transfer pricing risks, rationalising transfer pricing policies, preparing transfer pricing documentation (CbCR, Master File, Local File and relevant defence files), defending transfer pricing audit cases and advice State Owned Enterprises transfer pricing strategies on outbound investments. Vincent has served clients in various industries including real estate and affiliated services, automotive, electronics, steel, pharmaceutical, chemicals, fast moving consumer goods, sports equipment and finance and insurance, etc.

In the past ten years, Vincent assisted in the first bilateral APA in Huizhou Municipality, Guangdong Province, concluded the first Mutual Agreement Procedure in China to resolve the double tax issues of the taxpayer, and concluded the first bilateral APA between China and Singapore, which is the first bilateral APA in Guangzhou Municipality, Guangdong Province.  In 2018, he also assisted in the conclusion of three bilateral APAs between China and US, covering three different provinces in China.

Vincent is a speaker in various internal training events organised by different provincial tax authorities, as well as SAT on topics such as BEPS, intangible assets, intragroup services and etc.

Vincent obtained his Master from University of Sun Yat Sen University.  He is a member of the Chinese Tax Agents Association.

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