Victor Gao

Victor Gao

Partner, PwC China

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Victor Gao joined PwC in 2001. Over the last 20+ years since joining the firm, Mr.Gao has been mainly involved in investment industry, real-estate, pharmaceutical, education industry, product development and market expansion work. He has helped clients implement strategies, optimise their management processes, maximise the effectiveness of their risk management and build up financial and operational systems. Mr. Gao worked in PwC Australia Melbourne office from 2006 to 2008, and subsequently to PwC UK London office in 2014, specialising in the development of PwC's Risk Assurance Framework. These overseas work experiences has helped him develop a global worldview and acquire knowledge of international industry practices, which has helped him better serve Chinese clients.

Mr.Gao is a member of AUS FCPA, CAM, CIA, CISA and CRISC.

Contact details

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2882



  • Digital Transformation<br>Corporate Governance<br>Risk Management
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