Partner, PwC China
Tingcun Han is the Partner of ESG Reporting in PwC China. He has more than 20 years of experience working in fields of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), and climate change. Mr. Han is familiar with both domestic and international up-to-date ESG topics, and is influential in aforesaid fields in China.
Since joining PwC in 2006, Mr. Han has been specialised in ESG and climate change related advisory and assurance services, including ESG compliance advisory, information disclosure, report assurance, strategic consulting, system building, rating improvement, ESG online digital management consulting, etc. He is also well-experienced in carbon emission inventory advisory, carbon neutral strategic advisory, carbon data management advisory, carbon data assurance, carbon market research, climate change risk identification and response, climate-related financial information disclosure (TCFD) advisory, and other climate change related services.
In addition to the aforementioned services, he has also been providing clients with the following services: green financial strategy support, Equator Principles Bank environmental and social risk assessment, domestic and overseas mergers and acquisitions environmental due diligence, supply chain environmental and social risk assessment, total impact measurement and management (TIMM) evaluation, environmental audit and cleaner production audit services. Mr. Han is able to provide professional support and aid for clients' ESG performance from multiple aspects to help clients identify and manage material ESG risks.
Before joining PwC, Mr. Han worked in the Environmental Protection Research Institute, the Intergovernmental Environmental Management Cooperation Agency, and the ESG department of a transnational corporation. While studying in Europe, Mr. Han had built an expert network in the international ESG industry. During his work in PwC, Mr. Han has built PwC's global ESG and climate change network resource, which has been turning into the resources that serve clients.
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