Steven Su

Steven Su

Partner, PwC China


  • Steven Su is a Tax Partner in the Transfer Pricing team of PwC Shanghai. Mr. Su joined PwC in 2017 and was formerly a senior Tax Officer at SAT Jiangsu office.

Relevant experience

  • Steven’s experience serving SAT Jiangsu office includes transfer pricing audit and investigation, and Advance Pricing Arrangement (APA) negotiation.
  • As a senior tax officer, Steven was Member of SAT Transfer Pricing Case Review Panel. He has accomplished several BAPA and UAPA cases and Mutual Agreement Procedure cases, and participated in compilation of national circulars (e.g. Public Notice 42, 64 in 2016 and Public Notice 6 in 2017) and articles for famous international tax agencies.
  • Steven was the chief member of the Development of Related-party Transaction Analysis System of Jiangsu Municipal Office, which has been applied by STA in all provinces in China.
  • After he joined PwC. He has successfully closed dozens of transfer pricing audit cases, BPAP cases, UAPA cases and transfer pricing assessment cases and some of these cases were with “Zero Adjustment” result. Steven is now supporting multinational clients of many industries with various transfer pricing issues.


  • Steven Su is obtained a master degree in International Economic Law from Soochow University in China. He has the qualification of CPA Australia.

Contact details

Tel: +[86] (512) 6273 1840


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