Sophia Chan

Sophia Chan

Partner, PwC Hong Kong

Sophia Chan joined PwC Hong Kong in 2001. She is a Tax Partner specialised in Hong Kong and international tax. Sophia completed her two-year secondment in the International Tax Services division of the New York office of PwC US working in outbound investments and spin-off exercises of US multinationals involving Asia.

Sophia has extensive experience in advising clients from Hong Kong and international tax aspects. These include corporate and operation structuring for initial public offering, cross-border transactions, tax due diligence review and tax dispute and resolution. In recent years, Sophia also helps her multinational clients with global business presence to prepare for the rollout of BEPS Pillar 2.

Sophia’s clients are mainly from Consumer Markets and Technology Sectors and she has worked on various tax consulting projects of these clients including:

  • Assisted a multinational corporation to structure their family office in Hong Kong and obtained the first positive ruling for tax concessions for family-owned investment holding vehicles in Hong Kong;
  • Assisted multinational corporations to assess the impact of BEPS Pillar 2 to their groups and plan for restructuring of their business models and holding structures to prepare for the changes;
  • Acted as a sell-side tax advisor for a multinational logistic client in a significant merger and acquisition transaction of over HK$20 billion and the pre and post deal restructuring;
  • Assisted a multinational retail client to resolve its cross border tax dispute on licensing arrangement (including the use of Mutual Agreement Procedure);
  • Assisted an e-commerce retailer and an online game developer to resolve their worldwide indirect tax matters and successfully listed in HK; and
  • Carried out buyer / vendor tax due diligence reviews as well as pre and post-deal restructuring.

Sophia obtained her Bachelor of Business Administration degree and Professional Diploma in China Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Law from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001 and 2007 respectively. She is a Fellow Member of ACCA, CPA of HKICPA and a member of the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong. She is a member of the Taxation Faculty Executive Committee of HKICPA in 2024.

Contact details

Tel: +[852] 2289 3628


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