Partner, PwC China
Nick is a Partner of PwC China with over 20 years’ experience working with listed and private clients in the real estate industry, and is currently focused primarily on North China.
Nick has a proven track record leading a range of audit services, including IPO audits, annual audits, due diligence, and consultancy services for clients in real estate, property management and the logistics industry. He has overseen audits for HK listed and A-share listed real estate companies across both PRC GAAP and IFRS/HKIFRS.
Nick holds a CICPA certificate and is a senior fellow at the CICPA. He is proficient in HKIFRS and IFRS. Nick served as the deputy director of the Audit Profession Committee for the real estate industry of the Beijing Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“BICPA”) and also a committee member in the Financial Reporting Audit Profession Committee of BICPA.
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