Partner, PwC China
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May is a Tax Partner of PwC China based in Shanghai. May joined firm in 1995 and has about 18 years of experiences in providing PRC tax and business advisory services.
May has been involved extensively in dealings with cross-border investment into the PRC and has extensive experiences in advising multinational companies to formulate their investment strategies, structure their expansion and streamline their operating structures to comply with various business and tax regulations in the PRC. She is experienced in day-to-day operation tax advisory, tax compliance review, negotiation for tax audit defence, and foreign exchange compliance and advisory.
May has also managed and delivered professional services for M&A from tax due diligence, pre-deal structuring and post-deal integration for over 50 sizable deals.
She have been involved for clients ranging from Fortune 500 multinational companies to top tier domestic groups and has covered a wide range of industries, including industrial products, consumer products, retail, Auto, transportation and logistics, pharmaceutical, agriculture, energy & power and etc.
May is a member of Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) and a certified Tax Agent.
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