Mainland China and Hong Kong Financial Services Leader, PwC Hong Kong
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Matthew Phillips is a partner based in Hong Kong, and he has overall responsibility for our financial services practice in Hong Kong and China. Matthew has over 20 years of experience in the sector. He moved to Hong Kong in 1997 as one of the founding members of our deals team and has worked in Asia ever since, including seven years based in Shanghai. He recently moved back to Hong Kong to lead the financial services practice.
Matthew has advised on projects for many of our largest regional clients including over 100 financial services M&A projects spanning the region. His experience covers lead advisory, market entry as well as assisting on due diligence and post deal integration.
He has advised many foreign investors on market entry strategy and on cross border deals. As China’s financial services sector has emerged he has worked on many of the ground breaking investments and transactions in the region. These groundbreaking assignments have provided Matthew with unique experience in the strategic considerations, market opportunities and challenges of making partnerships and joint ventures work.
Matthew is the Financial Services M&A leader for Asia and plays a co-ordination role across our financial services M&A practice. He is also the lead partner for M&A relationships for many of the most acquisitive players in the region.
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