Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang

China Central Assurance Leader, PwC China

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Kevin Wang is the PwC China Central Assurance Leader. He is a representative of Shanghai Local People’s Congress, and a supervisory board member to the local Finance Bureau, and a board member of SICPA and a council member of CICPA.

Kevin coordinates practice strategy and delivers excellent service for companies in the consumer territory in Mainland China. He is a senior advisor and frequent speaker for CCFA (China Chain Store & Franchise Association) which serves China 1,000 largest retailers.

Kevin has over 20 years of professional experience in China. He is also a fellow member of CICPA. He extensively advises China government authorities and regulators as subject expert.

Kevin graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 1993. He is a certified public accountant in China and also a councilman of Shanghai institute of certified public accountants.

Contact details

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3715


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