Partner, PwC China
Kevin is a Partner of PwC China based in Guangzhou specialising in transfer pricing services.
He has been actively involved in assisting clients in defending transfer pricing audit cases, reviewing and evaluating transfer pricing risks, rationalising transfer pricing policies, and applying for unilateral and bilateral APAs. His experience in transfer pricing covers a wide range of industries including those the China tax authorities identify to be having high degree of local market features in China, e.g. automotive, fast-moving consumer goods, direct selling industries. The TP issues he handled spans from the more common ones involving manufacturing, services, distribution, to those hot areas such as equity transfer, intangible asset licensing/transfer. He has assisted clients in concluding the first Mutual Agreement Procedure case in automotive industry and the first Bilateral Advance Pricing Arrangement in distribution in China by working with the State Administration of Taxation and tax authorities in Southern China.
Kevin earned his Master of Business Administration and Master of Business Taxation degrees from University of Southern California. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
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