Joyce Gu

Joyce Gu

Partner, PwC China

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Joyce Gu is a Partner in the Risk Assurance/ Data & Analytics practice of PwC China, and is based in Shanghai. She has more than 13 years of extensive working experience across a wide range of industries.

Ms. Gu provides services focus on large state-owned enterprises, private-owned enterprises, and listed companies and etc. She leads many projects such as data-driven risk assessment, key risk indicators system and BI platform implementation, data warehouse implementation and financial forecast data modeling, internal control establishing and enhancement and risk alert system implementation, intelligent risk optimisation and etc. for large state-owned enterprises, SASAC subordinate enterprises and private listed companies, being highly praised by clients.

Ms. Gu has in-depth knowledge of business intelligence analysis application, regulatory requirements for internal control, Sarbanes-Oxley Act 404 and enterprise risk management to assist clients build data analysis capabilities and enhance competitiveness through digital and intelligent solutions; Ms. Gu also has solid foundation of knowledge in finance and accounting, familiar with internal control auditing standards. She serves clients from various industries, including Pharmaceuticals, CRO, Energy, Real Estate, Auto, Finance, Manufacturing, Electric and etc., with rich industry and professional experience.

Ms. Gu is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA).

Contact details

Tel: +86 (21) 2323 2636


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