Partner, PwC China
Jerry Li is a partner of PwC China Beijing Office specialising in PRC tax & business advisory. He joined PwC in 2001. From April 2010 to August 2010, he participated in the Genesis Park (GP) programme, which is an intense, residential Global Leadership Programme of PwC in Washington DC. Prior to joining PwC, Jerry worked at Beijing Customs Office.
Jerry has been providing advisory services to various domestic Chinese companies, including large state owned enterprises and private enterprises, for their China and outbound business development. The services include pre-IPO operational and holding structure advice, IPO tax health check, post-IPO tax planning, tax consulting for restructuring and M&A. In addition, Jerry has been providing advisory services to various multinational companies in their different development stages in China, including entering into the China market, setting up operations in China, tax advice for the daily operating as well as restructuring.
Jerry also has extensive experience in representing domestic Chinese companies and multinational clients in negotiation with PRC tax authorities on their tax positions.
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