Managing Director, Asia Pacific Sustainable Supply Chain, PwC Hong Kong
Jeremy’s interest, and his career, has been about exploring the impacts of globalisation, through supply chains, on people, communities and the environment in Asia. Jeremy has worked across the region on the pressing issues of sustainability and global supply chains. His experience has spanned the highlands of Papua New Guinea to plantations in SE Asia, from manufacturing floors in China, Cambodia, and Vietnam to board rooms in Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. His work has been on sustainable supply chains and the key ESG issues of these supply chains: human rights, women’s empowerment, climate and energy, ESG strategy, stakeholder engagement, migration and modern slavery, supplier development and due diligence, worker engagement, traceability and transparency.
Jeremy’s experience working on the issues of globalisation and supply chains started with his experience at Nike – in the US, Vietnam and China. This experience provided early and unique learning and insight into the development of sustainable supply chain practices – from stakeholder engagement, sourcing and manufacturing integration, government relations, auditing and due diligence, public-private partnerships, and worker and supplier engagement. His subsequent experience at BSR broadened his experiences to include ESG strategy, ESG risk, human rights due diligence set within an increasingly broad industry setting – from financial services to manufacturing to agriculture.
Jeremy is based in Hong Kong, works regionally, and is part of PwC ESG virtual Centre of Excellence.
Jeremy holds an M.A. in Economic Development from the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce at the University of Kentucky with a B.A. from James Madison University.
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