Partner, PwC China
Jacky Jiang is Deals Partner at PwC China, specialising in Deals strategy and operations. He primarily focuses on providing consulting services related to information technology (IT), data analytics, post-merger management, digital transformation, and other related areas. With over 20 years of experience, he possesses a wealth of expertise in IT, operations management, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, mergers and acquisitions and related areas.
Throughout his career, Jacky has been involved in and led over 300 projects. His project portfolio includes engagements in TMT, financial service, retail & consumer related projects. He has led teams in areas such as IT, data, and technology due diligence, digitalisation, and transaction integration consulting services. He has substantial hands-on experience in AI and Generative AI. He has conducted technology due diligence for AI companies, assisted clients in strategic planning for large language model initiatives, and implemented projects related to generative AI products.
Prior to joining PwC, Jacky worked as an internet entrepreneur and held IT management positions in several Fortune 500 companies. His responsibilities included overseeing digitalisation and IT management in the Asia-Pacific region, managing system implementations, and leading initiatives in data and business intelligence, and technological innovation.
Jiang’s educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Communication Engineering, a Master's degree in International Business Management, an MBA. He also holds certifications as a CDA data analyst, a Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute, and a Certified Forensic Accountant.
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