Partner, PwC China
Iris Pang is a partner in Tax and Business Advisory Services of PricewaterhouseCoopers China and is leading the tax practice for the Energy, Mining and Utilities Industry in China. Iris started her career in Singapore and was transferred to Beijing since 1998.
Iris has extensive experience in advising multi-national and domestic companies on both tax and regulatory issues upon their entrance into China market / investment outside China and during their operation in China. The extent of such experience include pre-investment consultation, critical review of feasibility studies, joint venture contracts for business and tax issues, corporate and individual taxation, cross border tax structures / issues, foreign exchange, etc. Iris has also been involved in providing both tax and HR due diligence services to foreign companies entering into China. Iris has active experience in negotiating with PRC tax authorities on tax positions and tax concessions for clients and assisted clients with tax audits by the PRC tax authorities.
Iris is a CPA in Singapore and has graduated from the Accountancy Faculty of Nanyang University of Singapore with honour.
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