George Lu

George Lu

Partner, PwC China

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George is a Transaction Services Partner in the Beijing office. He has been working in PwC for over 14 years in China and Australia, in which over 14 years in transaction services group. His other experience includes the IPO audit of Chinese companies in Hong Kong and Shanghai, and audit services to multi-national companies.

George has been directly involved in over 100 of the due diligence exercises carried out by the firm in the last 12 years, mainly in China and Australia. His practical experience covers a broad range of industries. In addition to traditional industrial and consumers products, he also has extensive experience in energy, mining and services sectors. George focuses on providing services to China outbound investment in the past a few years. 

George is a member of the Certified Public Accountant of China and a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of United Kingdom.

Contact details

Tel: +86 (10) 6533 2920


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