Charles Chow

Charles Chow

China South and Hong Kong Assurance Leader, PwC China

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Charles joined the firm in 1992 and moved to our Shenzhen office in 1995. He is our China South and Hong Kong Assurance Leader. Charles is also responsible for coordinating our resources to address the needs of audit and other advisory services for our financial services in the South China region.

Charles has over 28 years of experience in providing audit and advisory services to multi-national and domestic clients in mainland China and Hong Kong. Charles has been the key partner responsible for the audits of a number of our firm’s major financial services clients in China.

Charles’ clients include both traditional financial enterprises and new financial enterprises, ranging from insurance companies, banking, leasing, asset management, securities, and stock exchanges, etc.

With his substantial experience in serving clients of various scale in mainland China and Hong Kong, Charles supports his clients in various aspects, including statutory audit, IPO, financial risk management and internal controls. He builds trusted relationships with his clients by bringing insights and true value to them.


  • Practising Member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Practising Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the United Kingdom.


  • Audit and Assurance
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