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Partner, PwC China
Antoinette Lau is a Partner in the Forensic Services practice of Mainland China and Hong Kong and has over 20 years of fraud and commercial crime investigation and Anti-bribery & Anti-Corruption review experience. Prior to joining PwC, she had worked for the Securities and Futures Commission and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. She has extensive experience in conducting investigation for companies listed in Hong Kong or overseas with major operations in China. Antoinette is proficient in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. She is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is a Certified Fraud Examiner.
Antoinette led numerous investigations engaged by Counsel for the audit committees/special investigation committees of Overseas listed Chinese companies (primarily in HK SAR and in the U.S.) to conduct investigation of allegations of revenue and asset manipulation and/or issues noted by the companies’ auditors during the course of audit. Apart from assisting companies in conducting internal investigations, she also helped her clients on reviewing and enhancing compliance policies and procedures and related controls and providing litigation support assistance.
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