Aaron Xing

Aaron Xing

Partner, PwC China

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Aaron is a Partner in the risk assurance practice of PwC Shanghai, responsible for delivering risk management, internal controls, corporate governance, compliance and IT audit services. He has over 13 years of professional experience, including one year in PwC's Sydney office.

Aaron has extensive experience in leading internal controls diagnostic review, process improvement, compliance audit and enterprise risk management engagements. He has served numerous public and private companies in various industries including auto manufacturing, engineer product, agriculture machinery manufacturing, real estate consulting, pharmaceuticals, advertising, entertainment, energy and mining, etc.

Recent relevant experience:

  • Led a large internal control advisory project for a newly set-up auto OEM, which mainly covered the finance related business process design, internal control review and gap analysis, and also provided recommendations on internal control weaknesses identified and opportunities of improvement. Also heavily participated in the company's SAP implementation project.
  • Led various large consulting projects for a global leading tractor manufacturer for its China entities, covering its main operational processes, plant construction and FCPA compliance, etc. In addition, led the team to assist client's APAC IA team with performing annual risk assessment, conducting regular internal audit projects and providing on-job training to client's team member.
  • Led an enterprise risk management advisory project for one of the largest sugar plants in China, which is a Sino-Thailand joint venture in Guangxi Province.
  • Led various USSOX/CSOX internal control audit/advisory projects including internal controls diagnostics and remediation support for listing companies.
  • Led FCPA compliance review projects for various multinational companies.

Aaron is a Certified Internal Auditors (CIA) and a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).


  • Audit and Assurance - Risk and Quality
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